Tencent Digital (Zhou Shuo) Last week, NVIDIA's next-generation mobile graphics card was officially lifted, and the highly anticipated GTX 1080, GTX1070 and GTX 1060 officially landed on the mobile terminal and began to be incorporated into notebook products. The biggest difference between the mobile version and previous generations of products is that the “M†suffix is ​​directly eliminated. NVIDIA's intention is very obvious, "This generation of mobile is very strong!"
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Specs flush with the table no longer wear vests
Earlier this year, three GTX 1080, GTX1070 and GTX 1060 products were the first to land on the desktop platform. The performance of the three products achieved a complete overtaking of the previous generation of desktop products. Among them GTX 1080 performance compared to GTX 980 promotion amplitude has achieved astonishing 80% in some game actual measurement. (The Nvidia conference described a 2X improvement over the Titan X. It was based on VR testing. This would put aside GTX 1080's update of some VR technologies.) The magnitude of this increase is very obvious, which has just released the RX 480. AMD had to recover a little dignity in the form of a double card crossfire match at the press conference.
With this sincerity, Nvidia is fully committed to the GTX 10 series. The GTX 1070 and GTX 1060 that were later listed are also true. The performance of the GTX 1060 has reached the flagship level of the previous generation GTX 980. It is important to know that the GTX980 performance level has always been an entry-level configuration for the VR experience such as the HTC Vive. This means that the entire new generation of graphics cards currently on the market can provide full support for VR. The graphics performance can be said to be a huge step forward.
And when these several graphics cards landed on the mobile version, unlike the previous mobile version, which significantly reduced the number of processing units, this generation of mobile products is equipped with core parameters that are nearly the same as the PC version. Let's take the GTX 1080 as an example. Mobile GeForce GTX 1080 various parameters, it is equipped with 2560 CUDA processing core, 8GB of 10Gbps GDDR5x memory. The hardware specifications are basically the same as the desktop version, except that the core operating frequency is slightly down-converted from 1607MHz to 1556MHz, which is unprecedented in previous generations of products.
Performance and desktop version fly together
Since Pascal is so good, the mobile version's specifications are still highly consistent with the desktop version. Does it mean that the notebook is expected to achieve desktop-class gaming and VR performance? The answer is yes. To illustrate this issue, NVIDIA officials have also published tests on performance comparisons between the mobile and desktop versions in some files. This kind of test that compares the mobile version with the desktop version should be said to be rare in previous product releases, which shows NVIDIA's confidence in the mobile version.
The number of mobile GTX 1080 CUDA processing cores is 2560. The number of GTX 1070 CUDA processing cores is 2048. The number of GTX 1060 cores is significantly lower, only 1280. In terms of bandwidth, both the GTX 1080 and GTX 1070 are 256-bit, and only the GTX 1060 is 192-bit. In terms of memory capacity design, the GTX 1080 enabled 8GB GDDR5x for the first time, and the GTX 1070 uses the relatively common 8GB GDDR5, while the GTX 1060 has even more savings in capacity specifications, only up to 6GB GDDR5. It can be said from the specifications, GTX 1080 and GTX 1070 mobile version specifications are relatively high, while the GTX 1060 is fully behind. In particular, the number of CUDA cores is only half that of the GTX 1080. Of course, these are not the focus, and the focus is on the outstanding performance of mobile graphics cards. Compared with the desktop version, you will be exclaimed for their performance.
First of all, let's take a look at the GTX 1080. Officially, we conducted some tests on this card. First of all, under the 3D Mark Fire benchmark, the mobile version of the GTX 1080 was very eye-catching in multiple picture quality modes, and the score was almost the same. Desktop-level GTX 1080 is comparable, with performance scores reaching over 95% of the desktop version. This gap in the average game we ordinary users should be difficult to notice it. Into the actual game comparison link, the result is even more jaw-dropping, GTX 1080 mobile version even in some games, the number of frames overtakes the desktop version, in the "Paradise 4" Full HD and 4K resolution to reach the desktop version 103% and 107%.
Looking at other more detailed test data, NVIDIA also gave the running test scores of representative games such as “Far Cry: Primal Killingâ€, “Wizard 3â€, “Overall Blockade†and “Crysis 3â€. Quality, these games are basically able to run more than 80 frames, and 4K resolution graphics killer "Far Cry 3" a score of at least 25.6 frames, other projects are at 30 frames above the smooth level. Compared with the desktop version of the GTX 1O80, both of these games can be said to be indisputable. At this point, we can basically confirm that GTX 1080 mobile and desktop games should be very close in terms of game performance. We are finally able to feel the same extreme performance experience of notebook games and desktop computers for the first time!
Then let's take a look at the GTX 1070 mobile version. NVIDIA also listed some of the latest game titles on the market. In addition to the previously mentioned "Wizard 3" "Blockade" and "Crysis 3", they also reached out to the players. "GTA5", like the GTX 1080, GTX 1070 mobile version scored on several games with the desktop version. In GTA5, the GTX 1070 lags slightly behind, with 89% of the desktop version in full HD quality and 96% at 4K resolution.
Relatively speaking, the GTX 1060 mobile version will be slightly different from the desktop version. In the 3D Mark FireStrike benchmark, the mobile version has almost 90% of the performance of the desktop version. In comparison with actual game tests, the GTX 1060 is basically about 90% of the desktop version. Compared with the GTX 1080 and GTX 1070, the GTX 1060 is a series that is a far cry from the desktop version. However, this gap is only 10%-15%, which is still unthinkable compared to previous generations of products.
By comparison, we found that the new GTX 10 Series mobile graphics cards are indeed very surprising in terms of performance. The new generation of GTX 10 series mobile cards do allow you to experience the same high performance as the desktop version. Of course, NVIDIA has not only improved the performance of the new graphics card.
Optimized for VR support
The new graphics card also has a significant improvement in the efficiency of VR. Asynchronous distortion technology is one of the representatives. Asynchronous Distortion Technology (ATW) is an interpolating frame technique that generates interpolated frames when the VR picture cannot be performed in sufficient number of frames. When the VR helmet is used to change the viewing angle, the user can always see the latest and available rendering screens to reduce the delay and reduce the user's perspective delay and vertigo.
Another new change that the GTX 10-series card locks can bring is the rendering of multiple screens. A function called synchronous multi-projection is designed in the Pascal architecture's graphics card. The core point of the solution is the additional screen distortion caused by multiple screens in the case of multiple display output linkages. Through further calculations, the output picture can be reduced in distortion on multiple displays, resulting in a more realistic picture. The application of this technology in VR can effectively solve the problem of severe distortion of displayed objects in the headlight display, especially the serious distortion of the edges of the screen. Visually closer to the 3D objects that the human eye normally sees, the overall sense of presence can be further enhanced.
In addition, NVIDIA also highlighted a technology called Single Pass Stereo, which can dramatically improve the picture refresh rate. Due to the rendering of the left and right pictures at the same time when the VR picture is being rendered, this brings a heavy burden to the GPU. And this technology will only render one of the screens, combined with multiple simultaneous projection technology, the right-eye content should be projected in the past, which actually reduces the GPU load by 50%, so the VR screen refresh rate can be from 60fps Directly rise above 90fps. A higher refresh rate can further help users reduce vertigo and enhance the experience.
In terms of VR, NVIDIA also introduced VRworks audio technology to ensure a leaps in sound effects while VR images are being fully enhanced. In the traditional stereo, the user directly listens to the sound source of the sound source in the scene, and further provides sound effects such as reflection and absorption of the sound in the scene. As a result, the impact of the scene on the sound will be closer to the real world, giving the user a more immersive feel in the sound.
Products with GTX 10 Series Cards Coming Soon
At present, it has been determined that games equipped with GTX Series 10 graphics cards will be first listed. This product already includes ASUS ROG, MSI, and aliens. With the advent of the seventh-generation Core processor in September, the new CPU + new GPU game book will surely give gamers a whole new look. Game enthusiasts no longer have to worry about buying a notebook without a good gaming experience. On the basis of the new platform, the popularity of the game book and VR market will be further enhanced.
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